Student Support


Have questions about UC Online? Student Support is here to help! Browse our student FAQs, initiate a chat session, call us or email us.

Have questions about Summer Session classes? To enroll in these courses, please register through the Summer Session at the hosted campus. Visit the campus Summer Session website for more details on registration steps and deadlines. 



Chat Icon Chat

Chat services are available

Monday – Friday:
8.30am to 4.30pm Pacific Time.

Student Support services are unavailable outside of these hours or on University Holidays.



Phone Icon Phone

Phone services are available

Monday – Friday:
8.30am to 4.30pm Pacific Time.

(844) 826-6546


Chat Now


Newly Enrolled Students

Have you enrolled in a cross-campus online course? Look over our checklist to help you prepare for class.

During the week before the start of your course, your instructor will email you with your course web address and instructions for logging in. If you do not receive this email or have questions about the log-in process, contact UC Online Support.

To change the status of your enrollment, review the process for dropping a course or check out our Enrollment FAQs.


Transcripts for Non UC students

If you need transcripts for previous courses you have taken at UC Online only, we will continue to provide those to you per the usual process. Please visit our partner, National Student Clearinghouse, to pay for and order your transcript. Our student support team will create the transcript and send it to you.


Top Five Enrollment FAQ’s

Simple FAQ

Is there a limit to how many UC Online courses I can take per term?

Accordion Item Description

Most campuses allow only one UC Online course per term. However, you may be able to add an additional course if your campus deems you are eligible. If you enroll in more than one UC Online course and your campus doesn't allow more than one, you will be required to drop the additional course(s). If you are uncertain about your home campus rules, check with your Registrar's office.

What are the deadlines for adding and dropping UC Online courses?

Accordion Item Description

Students are required to follow the add/drop deadlines of the host campus (the UC campus offering the course). For add/drop and other important deadlines, please contact the host campus Registrar’s Office.

How will I know that I'm actually enrolled in a UC Online course?

Accordion Item Description

After registering, you will receive an email indicating that you have provisionally registered for the course. Your home campus will then determine your eligibility, and you will receive another email confirming whether you are eligible to take the course. If your home campus denies your enrollment, you will be dropped from the course.

How will I access my UC Online course?

Accordion Item Description

If your enrollment is approved, you will receive additional instructions via email on how to access your course. If the course is hosted on the host campus learning system, the campus will notify you with your campus credentials and how to activate them prior to the start of instruction. If you do not receive this information on how to log in to your course within 48 hours or before instruction starts, please contact your instructor.

Who do I contact if I’m having technical issues with a UC Online course?

Accordion Item Description

Contact UC Online Support with any technical issues.

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Student dancing

“This online course was one of the best classes I have ever taken, period. The instructors and guest lecturers were incredibly clear and insightful…"

Student comment on Terrorism and War SAS7V - UC Davis