Enrollment Process


Enrolling in a UC Online course is easy! Just follow these steps.

1. Review Course Prerequisites

Once you find a class you would like to take, review the course prerequisites on the course description page. Official transcripts or other evidence showing satisfactory completion of course prerequisites may be required.

2. Get Approval From Your Academic Adviser

Check with your Academic Adviser or home Registrar office prior to enrolling to make sure your desired course meets your degree requirements.

3. Register for a Class

To register for a class, click Enroll on the course description page via Find Courses and Enroll. Then, log in to the Cross-Campus Enrollment System (CCES) with your campus log-in credentials, proceed to profile information to complete the course registration. You may only enroll in one cross-campus course per term.

Check with the host campus Registrar’s Office about enrollment deadlines. If you would like to enroll in a course after the enrollment deadline, follow procedures for adding a course late.

Confirm enrollment deadlines with the host campus Registrar’s Office:

4. Verify Enrollment

After completing the enrollment form, your enrollment is provisional until your home campus Registrar’s Office confirms your eligibility. You will be notified by email once your campus determines whether you are eligible or ineligible to take the cross-campus course.


Top Five Enrollment FAQ's

Simple FAQ
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Students raising hands

“I found it very advantageous to have more flexible times to do the course work. It allowed me to take more hours at my job, while still learning the material.”

Student comment on Diversity, Disagreement, and Democracy, PS115D - UCLA